Photos by Roberto Hajduk:

Photos by Roberto Hajduk:
Photos by Roberto Hajduk:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21st

They only got one race off today. I'll have Dane tell the story in detail, but it sounds like the boys scrambled to pull off a good finish. Only about 15 boats finished the race due to a 180 degree wind shift and not being able to cross the finish line within allocated the time limit. Dane said he saw the shift coming and had to change plans a few times. Strategy is what he loves about sailing. I think he's a lake sailor. He likes the shifts and the quick breeze changes. The race committee is expected to divide the boats into four championship divisions today: gold, silver, bronze and emerald. Or, they may decide to run more qualifying races. Where they end up doesn't matter. Dane seems most excited about the pure joy of the game. He talks about moments when it all works - rarely about results.

Dane and I had a lovely dinner on the patio of our hotel. There was a warm breeze, clear skies and lights from the village across the lake were reflecting on the water. Dane took 10 minutes to explain today's race to me. I didn't understand all the nuances, however, it was enjoyable to watch him be so animated about the multiple layers of the strategy of the race. Two more days to go...

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